Patrick Nobrega
Director, CAPT Paul Cuffe Center for Inclusion
Denise Carrington
Assistant Director, CAPT Paul Cuffe Center for Inclusion
Pamela Cerrud-Ahern
Program Coordinator, CAPT Paul Cuffe Center for Inclusion
Michael Ortiz
Dean, Enrollment Management, Equity, and Inclusion Chief Diversity Officer
The Captain Paul Cuffe Center for Inclusion
About Captain Paul Cuffe
Captain Paul Cuffe was born in 1759 on the island of Cuttyhunk. The son of a freed slave and a Wampanoag woman, he was a black and indigenous man who would go on to become Master Mariner, whaler, successful businessman, educator and community advocate, philanthropist and visionary until his death in 1817. Paul Cuffe left a legacy that is local, national, and international; rising to prominence at a time when it was all but impossible for a black and indigenous man to do so. That legacy of struggling for equality and justice continues to inspire us today as the namesake of our center.

Mission Statement
Formerly known as the Massachusetts Maritime Academy Office of Intercultural Engagement, the Captain Paul Cuffe Center for Inclusion’s mission is to create a community that makes excellence inclusive at the Academy. By promoting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion through programs, events and student support initiatives, we strive to foster a sense of belonging and a supportive environment for all by honoring the namesake of our center. We continue Captain Cuffe’s legacy of philanthropy, leadership, and social change.
Land Acknowledgement in honor of CAPT Cuffe and the Cuffe Family:
We, the CAPT Paul Cuffe Center for Inclusion at Massachusetts Maritime Academy, would like to acknowledge that our campus is located on the ancestral homeland of the Wampanoag nation, and pay our respects to members of Wampanoag community both past, present, and future.
A land acknowledgement is a moment of reflection to raise awareness of the indigenous communities which have existed on this land for thousands of years, and continue to do so.
Inclusive Excellence
Through the vision and practice of inclusive excellence, the American Association of Colleges & Universities (AAC&U) calls for higher education to address diversity, inclusion, and equity as critical to the well-being of democratic culture. Making excellence inclusive is thus an active process through which colleges and universities achieve excellence in learning, teaching, student development, institutional functioning, and engagement in local and global communities. Likewise, enhancing inclusive excellence is directly in line with the objectives of the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Equity Agenda . Inclusive excellence must become a priority in all aspects of Massachusetts Maritime Academy.
Education Abroad
Education abroad and global learning are essential to cadet learning and the internationalization of our campus community. Experiential Learning, study abroad, and international co-ops all play a vital role in promoting intercultural awareness, global sensitivity, and job-readiness in a 21st century global workplace.
Bias Incident/Education Support Team (BEST)
Supporting Shipmates, Upholding Values
The Bias Incident/Education Support Team (BEST) is made up of staff members from the CAPT Paul Cuffe Center, Commandant of Cadets' Department, and Title IX, reviews all bias incident reports, educates the community on issues of bias, and provides recommendations for corrective action when needed. The BEST team encourages reports for observed or perceived bias incidents, statements, or occurrences involving cadets. All reports submitted to the link below will be reviewed by the BEST team.
Bias is a preconceived, negative attitude about a person or group based on their sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, race, ethnicity, religion, or level of ability, or any other protected class.
There is no place for bias among Bucs. When in doubt, always submit a report. Holding ourselves accountable and looking after our shipmates is the only way to promote true belonging on campus.
With any questions whatsoever, please do not hesitate to email the CAPT Paul Cuffe Center at or visit the Office of Intercultural Engagement and ask to speak with a staff member.
Safe Harbor
Safe Harbor is a campus-wide program to promote inclusion and diversity of the LGBTQ+ community on campus. To do so requires the support and participation of students, staff, and faculty.
Real Talk: An Open Dialogue Forum
Throughout the semester, the Captain Paul Cuffe Center for Inclusion offers spaces for students, faculty, and staff to come together in an “open dialogue format”. The goal is to discuss current events and issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion in our society.
Spiritual Life
In collaboration with the Division of Student Services, we are pleased to inform you of the return of the Spiritual Life Space in the dorms to be used for the purpose of prayer, reflection, and worship!
The space, formerly known as the "Porthole Office" is located on the 3rd Co Company 00 deck near the courtyard side hatch. In order to access the Spiritual Life Space, students must sign up at the link below and will be given access with the use of their ID card. Click here to request access to the Spiritual Life Space
To reserve the space for a specific meeting, services, ceremony, please email
Women's Coalition
The CAPT Paul Cuffe Center for Inclusion has established a Women's Coalition that promotes wellness, empowerment and networking for women on campus. The coalition will meet once a month and create events that will promote support, mentorship and empowerment to female cadets. We are in addition to any Women's program led by a student group. This is a working group of primarily faculty and staff to discuss women's issues and further programming for the experience of women on campus, students, faculty and staff. We look forward to working with student clubs, and women's programs and initiatives toward a shared mission.