
顶旗照片:海事局学生Logan King和Ariel Damery在泰国亚洲理工十大菠菜台子参加体验式学习项目.


标志的 International Maritime Business Department



International Maritime Business




Cadets acquire wide-ranging business skills — such as accounting, 经济学, 金融, and negotiations — and maritime industry knowledge — such as admiralty law, 港口码头业务, 和运输. 这些独特的技能为学员在日益全球化的市场中提供了优势. 90%的货物在从原产地到目的地的运输过程中都要通过船运, the industry is in need of professionals with this specific focus.

获得国际商业教育认证委员会(IACBE)认证, 该计划需要至少两个合作社和国际或海事经验组成部分,以建立实际的海事经验和发展全球视野,同时建立全球关系.  学员可以选择参加实习,而不是参加合作或体验式学习.

Required coursework will include the following:

  • Broad foundation in general education
  • Breadth across business disciplines
  • Depth within maritime domain
  • Specialization through major electives
  • Applied experiential learning through cooperatives
  • International, maritime, and virtual experiences


This program prepares graduates in the foundation of general business, with a focus on the maritime sector, and prepares them for careers in the fields of management, 物流, 运输, 操作, 航运, 租船, 海运业务. 这些独特的技能为学员在日益全球化的市场中提供了优势. Many of our graduates go on to work in the following fields:

  • 一般业务
  • 航运 & 操作
  • 船租船 & 经纪公司
  • 港口 & 终端操作
  • 海事法 & 保险
  • 供应链管理


菠菜十大平台部有各种国际体验学习和文化意识项目. This specialized education, 由于航运业的全球性,培训和学习是任何参与航运业的人取得成功的重要组成部分. 


的 海事局 program embodies the Learn-Do-Learn philosophy. 十大菠菜台子有三门6学分的“实践”课程,学生将他们在课堂上学到的知识通过实践经验应用到实际中,包括为雇主工作, visiting maritime centers around the world, 等. Similarly, there are many courses with hands-on practical components (e.g., portfolio analysis using the resources in the Riccardi investment center, live case studies consulting to real-world clients, and obtaining professional certifications).


  1. 海事局的学生 will demonstrate knowledge of key concepts, 原则, and practices in business and maritime domains. (能力)
  2. 海事局的学生将运用适当的分析技术来解决问题和支持决策. [分析]
  3. 海事局的学生 will comprehensively explore issues, 的想法, 证据, and perspectives in order to accept or formulate an opinion or conclusion. (批判性思维)
  4. 海事局的学生 will effectively listen and read to gain information. 海事局的学生 will effectively speak and write to share information. (沟通)
  5. 海事局的学生 will perform effectively as a team member and leader. (领导)
  6. 海事局的学生 will demonstrate ability to perform in professional settings. (专业)

海事局学生可以获得的认证机会几乎是无限的. 例如, by virtue of having taken our business courses, students will be ready to sit for a variety of certification examinations, such as Certificate in Business Analysis, Certified Associate in Project Management, or Certified Managerial Accountant. Our showcase certification is offered through the Institute for Chartered Shipbrokers. Starting with the Business of 航运, 十大菠菜台子的七门海事课程为您提供在美国唯一的考试中心参加资格考试所需的知识. With as little as two exams you can obtain a Foundation Diploma, and by passing seven exams, you will earn what's known as the Professional Qualifying Examination, 一个总理, 全球公认的, 海事证书.


 麻省海事十大菠菜台子菠菜十大平台系 它的商业课程获得了国际商业教育认证委员会(IACBE)的专门认证,该委员会位于欧弗兰公园基维拉路11960号, 堪萨斯, 美国. For a list of accredited programs please refer to the IACBE member 状态页. 

IACBE证书 of Specialized 认证
Public Disclosure of Student Achievement