Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Ship's Bridge
Simulator center
Our full mission bridge simulator creates a mathematical model of a ship that behaves like its real-life counterpart. Cadets work together with classmates and experienced, licensed mariners to learn specialized skills and teamwork to prepare for situations they will encounter in commercial shipping and navigation. Some of these situations include undocking a tanker in Japan, transiting the Strait of Gibraltar in heavy traffic, handling a ship in heavy weather, and returning to our own home port in Buzzards Bay. The goal is to give cadets the skills they need to function as an effective bridge team member.
An invaluable opportunity that allowed me to gain real world experience alongside highly skilled mariners while working with state-of-the-art machinery and technology.
- Finley Mullally '21
Explore Maersk
Maersk is a Danish integrated shipping company with 300 ports around the world. Maersk has been the largest container shipping line and vessel operator in the world since 1996.
The 360 simulator is great, because it allows us to practice being on a bridge during the academic year without being at sea. After completing SeaTerm, I can tell you that the simulator actually does feel like a real ship's bridge.
- Ian Kunkle '23
Example Courses Using the Maersk Simulator
MT-3231 Applied Shiphandling 3
Using the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Ship's Bridge Simulator Center and the training vessel Ranger, students gain experience in handling vessels under all conditions. Students gain familiarization with the use of engines and helm for ship maneuvering and of the effects on ship behavior of wind, current, shallow water, banks, narrow channels, and conditions of loading. They also acquire a greater awareness of the importance of planning a passage or maneuver and of the need for alternative plans.
- Credits: 3
- Prerequisites: MT-4132 & either MT-3371 or MT-3372;
- Corequisite: MT-3222 STCW: None
MT-4133 Bridge Resource Management 4
A capstone assessment program allowing deck, undergraduate students an opportunity to demonstrate competency in Bridge Resource Management and Watchstanding for STCW 10 and USCG licensing requirements. Students successfully completing these competencies are capable of undertaking all of the duties and responsibilities expected of a deck watchkeeping officer. Upon successful completion of this course, a U.S. Coast Guard approved certificate is issued certifying that the holder demonstrates appropriate competence in watchkeeping, bridge team management, and bridge resource management, meeting the standards prescribed by IMO/STCW and the U.S. Coast Guard. [Lab time required]
- Credits: 4
- Prerequisite: MT-3231
- Corequisite: MT-3224
- STCW: Knowledge & Practical