Public Records

Access our public records

The Massachusetts Public Records Law (M.G.L. Chapter 66 & Chapter 4 § 7 (26)) provides that every person has a right to access public information.  This right to access includes the right to inspect or be furnished a copy of any public record, or to be notified of a denial of such a request within ten (10) business days following the receipt of a request. 

For records not available electronically, or for more information, please contact the following Public Records Officers with your request:

For Student Records
Mrs. Wendy Maynard, Registrar

Massachusetts Maritime Academy designates the following items as Directory Information:

  • Student's Name
  • Hometown and State
  • Major field of study
  • Dates of attendance
  • Degrees and Awards
  • Licenses and Certificates
  • Participation in officially recognized sports and activities
  • Weight and height of athletic team members
  • Most recent previous school attended
  • Photograph

For All Other Records
Ms. Elizabeth Benway, Dean of Human Resources

Within 10 business days of receipt of the request, you will either receive the record or will be contacted in writing to acknowledge the request and provide a date the records will be available, to deny the request with an explanation of the denial, or to ask for further clarification. 

There may be a fee assessed for a public records request, depending on the request. No fee for employee time can be charged for requests that require less than four hours of employee time for searching, compiling, segregating, redacting, or reproducing records. Requests that require over four hours of employee time may be assessed a fee equal to the hourly rate of the lowest paid employee who has the skill level to perform the work, limited to $25 an hour, for time in excess of the first four hours.  A fee for paper copies or printouts may be assessed for 5 cents a page for black and white single and double-sided copies.  If a fee will be assessed, the Record Access Officer will provide an itemized, good faith estimate prior to fulfillment of the request.

The request for public records should include:

  • Description of specific records being requested;
  • Date parameters for the public records being requested;
  • Name of person or organization requesting the public records; and
  • The requesting person’s/organization’s contact information. 

Records generally considered exempt from disclosure under the law include:

  • Documents exempted from disclosure by statute;
  • Individual student records;
  • Criminal record information;
  • Personnel or medical files/information;
  • Any material or data relating to a specifically named individual, the disclosure of which may constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy;
  • Inter-agency or intra-agency memoranda or letters relating to policy positions being developed by the Academy;
  • Personal notes or materials not maintained as part of the Academy’s official files;
  • Investigatory materials compiled by law enforcement or investigatory officials the disclosure of which would prejudice the possibility of effective law enforcement;
  • Trade secrets and commercial or financial information provided to an agency for use in developing governmental policy and upon a promise of confidentiality;
  • Proposals  and  bids  to  enter  into  a contract  or  agreement before the  contract  or agreement is awarded of finally rejected;
  • Real property appraisals;
  • Test information,  including  questions, answers,  scoring  keys  and  other  materials used to develop, administer or score a test, examination or assessment instrument;
  • Blueprints,  plans,  policies,  procedures  and  schematic  drawings,  which  relate  to internal   layout    and    structural elements,  security measures, emergency preparedness, threat or vulnerability assessments, or any other records relating to the security  or  safety  of  persons,  buildings,  structures,  facilities, utilities, transportation  or other infrastructure  located  within  the  Commonwealth,  the disclosure  of  which,  in  the  reasonable  judgment  of  the  custodian  is  likely  to jeopardize public safety;
  • Home addresses and phone numbers of State employees; and
  • Home addresses and phone numbers of a family member of a State employee.

For additional information about making a request or filing an appeal, see 950 CMR 32.08 (2) or refer to Secretary of the Commonwealth’s  A Guide to the Massachusetts Public Records Law.