Reporting Options

Title IX


Options for filing a complaint regarding sexual violence:

  • File a complaint with the Title IX Officer  
  • File a report with the police, which may result in criminal charges.

Reporting an instance of sexual harassment or sexual assault to a  private, non-confidential resource launches an administrative investigation within the Academy.

Title IX Officer

Lauren Salem
Title IX Coordinator
Main Dormitory Building (COMCAD office)

MMA Public Safety

Bresnahan Building
00 Deck


File a Complaint


Seeking Medical Attention can be critical to assessing your overall health needs, testing for sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy, and collecting evidence that maybe used in legal proceedings. Staff at these facilities are specially trained and sensitive to your needs and concerns in getting medical assistance. These confidential resources will not share information with the Title IX Coordinator or Student Services without your explicit permission.

Health Services

4th Company, 00 Deck 
Monday - Friday: 0800-1630
Drop in
Phone: 508-830-5048

Beth Isreal Deaconess Hospital -Plymouth

275 Sandwich Street. Plymouth, MA
(508) 746-2000

Tobey Hospital 

43 High Street. Wareham, MA
(508) 295-0880

Attending to your emotional health can be an important part of your healing process. These confidential resources will not share your information with the Title IX coordinator or Student Services without your explicit permission.

Counseling Center - 3rd Company, 00 Deck

Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 0900 - 1700
Tuesday: 0830 - 1630
Thursday: 0900 - 1700
Phone: 508-830-5180

Independence House

160 Bassett Lane Hyannis, MA

24/7 Hotline: 800-439-6507

Community-based organization on Cape Cod providing free and confidential specialized services including, counseling and advocacy. Visit thier website


Used in the context of Title IX means that the Confidential Resources listed to the left do not need to report to the Title IX Coordinator or any one within the Academy's administration. However, the following exceptions maybe considered:

  • If a person presents an imminent threat of harm to themselves or others.
  • If a person would like to request certain protective supportive measures in the aftermath of a reported sexual violence, the Title IX Coordinator, may be contacts only for the purpose of implementing the interim measures.  

Reporting an incident to confidential resources, does not launch an investigation and is used for a victim to seek physical, emotional, spiritual, and medical support to help them through a traumatic experience. Reporting an incident to a non-confidential resource helps to prevent future offenses within the MMA community and launches an impartial, administrative, investigation that may result in disciplinary action. A victim also always has the right to make no report at all. 

Title IX Formal Complaint Flow Chart